Why You Should Turn to a Real Estate Expert
The complexities of renting, buying, or selling real estate make many people ponder whether to delve into all the nuances of the transaction on their own or to turn to a real estate agency. Modern individuals have long been accustomed to handling a multitude of diverse tasks, so it seems that the role of an intermediary is greatly overestimated in this case.
On the other hand, the process of finding a suitable object for rent/buy or communicating with potential buyers when selling requires significant time, effort, and resources. It is much more rational to delegate the task to a specialist, receiving in return their experience and professional knowledge. Thus, a competent realtor will never be "caught" by an advertisement for a non-existent apartment, and during negotiations, will firmly defend your interests. It turns out that the savings in effort and financial benefit definitely justify the 3-5% commission of the specialist.
Professional Experience and Market Knowledge
Buying or renting an apartment in Kyiv is a challenging task at all times, and today it is complicated by the fact that many landlords and sellers have gone abroad. Another issue is "virtual apartments." These are fake advertisements posted on various websites to track market prices or attract clients. Often, these are done by unscrupulous realtors who will tell you in person that the particular object is no longer available, but you can look at others: almost 100% of the time more expensive and worse.
Another point is advertisements that do not correspond to reality. You will spend time communicating and viewing to understand that the option does not suit you. For example, an apartment is rented out as a "Stalin-era building," being a "Khrushchyovka." An experienced realtor needs only to look at the address to understand what type of real estate the landlord is offering.
The expert also knows working methods to "knock down" the price, or conversely, sell the object more expensively. It all depends on the nature of the transaction and the client's request.
Saving Time and Effort
Realtors form databases by specific parameters: the number of rooms, district, cost, type of house, class of real estate, etc. You simply turn to a specialist, voice your specific requests, and receive a list of suitable objects in the shortest time.
This saves time and effort on "manual" searching and filtering out advertisements, as well as verifying the authenticity of offers. A real estate expert will arrange a convenient viewing chain so that the client sees the maximum number of relevant options in the minimum time. Usually, 5-6 prepared visits are enough to make a decision.
If the task is to sell an apartment in Kyiv, the specialist will explain how to prepare it and present it to potential buyers in the most favorable light. It's not just about basic cleaning or cosmetic repairs but also about documents and various legal nuances. Properly prepared housing is sold at a good price within 2-3 weeks.
Assistance in Negotiations and Transactions
To conclude a transaction, a multitude of nuances need to be taken into account — from the price to the exact terms of transferring ownership rights. It's essential to keep a cool head, but ordinary people often find themselves stressed since significant property issues are not resolved every day. The task of a real estate expert is to conduct negotiations effectively, find a compromise in controversial moments, and not miss a profitable offer.
Understanding Legal Aspects
A qualified realtor always checks the availability of the necessary documents for the transaction and can help with the preparation of missing ones. If there is a need for a more thorough check, the specialist will involve a lawyer. For example, if the object is problematic (under arrest, among the owners are minors, etc.), it will not be recommended to you, or will be offered as a last resort when there are no better options.
Access to Exclusive Offers
Among the exclusive offers of real estate agencies, there are so-called "closed sales," when a client is offered an object on more favorable terms before it goes public. All large companies cooperate with banking institutions, therefore they put forward special conditions from bank partners: online service and without queues, bonus programs, quick mortgage applications, etc.
Assessment of the Real Value of Real Estate
A realtor easily determines the real value of real estate, based on its characteristics and the current situation in the market. The right analysis is the key to buying or selling an object at a justified price. Of course, you can independently turn to an appraiser, but in organizations where such specialists work, the value of real estate is often artificially lowered. A realtor will not agree to conditions that are unfavorable for the client, as his reputation and earnings depend on it.
Opportunity to Sell Real Estate Above Market Value
Selling real estate above the market value is facilitated by a well-developed promotion plan. The expert accurately identifies the target audience and directly influences it, develops a marketing strategy, uses the most effective channels to inform potential buyers. He knows ways to add attractiveness to real estate, accordingly, raise its price by several points. A correctly implemented campaign allows selling the object within 3-6 weeks.
Support at All Stages of the Transaction
Qualified realtors involve lawyers who provide legal support for a real estate transaction from the moment of search to the final settlement. This approach protects the client's interests and prevents surprises such as unpaid utility bills, attempts to rent out someone else's apartment, a leaking ceiling, an arrest on the property, etc.
Minimizing Risks and Errors
Most errors in transferring ownership or use rights of an apartment occur during the coordination and resolution of legal issues. For example, drafting a transaction protocol is meticulous work that requires professionalism and significant time investment. Listing all possible nuances could take several pages. All this is difficult and incomprehensible for a person who is dealing with buying and selling for the first time.
The realtor, together with a legal company, minimizes all risks at each stage:
consultations on taxation;
collecting information about the transfer of rights to real estate;
checking the legality of the sale of the object;
conducting mutual settlements.
Experienced companies cooperate with legal firms that will provide legal consultation and take care of the preparation of missing documents, will not allow you to contact an unreliable developer and get involved in a dubious scheme of buying an apartment. It should be understood that attempts to independently search for housing and resolve related issues are fraught with the risk of falling into the hands of fraudsters who specifically prey on ordinary people. The realtor sees through the schemes, protecting your nerves and money.
Consultations on Financing and Mortgages
The collaboration of real estate agencies with banks is an opportunity to offer clients more favorable mortgage programs. Realtors are always aware of the most attractive conditions. From the specialist, you can learn the list of banking institutions where decisions are made as quickly as possible, or developers who immediately provide installment plans for purchasing an apartment.
Applying for a mortgage loan with the help of a real estate expert increases the chance of a positive decision. Banks unofficially, but still more leniently, treat borrowers who have come from a partner real estate agency. This is not a 100% guarantee of approval but a chance to more quickly and successfully meet your needs.
Post-Sale Support and Consultations
The long-awaited purchase of an apartment is not always the final chapter in the epic of solving the housing issue. Quality realtor support implies accompaniment and competent assistance in everything related to the documentation, subsequent mortgage payment, finding reliable and solvent tenants if the property was purchased for rent.
You can turn to a real estate expert for consultation on:
transfer of ownership;
insurance of real estate;
services for repair and individual design development;
real estate management (renting out, paying taxes and utility bills);
legal information on construction (for apartments in the construction stage).
AXIS Real Estate Agency practices a comprehensive approach to solving clients' housing issues, therefore provides support even after receiving the coveted keys.