2k apartment vul. Myhajla Maksymovycha 24
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New England residential complex. 2 bedroom apartment. The house is built and commissioned. Main characteristics: External walls : reinforced concrete wall panels, 160mm thick; External insulation system: reinforced polystyrene foam 160mm and mineral wool 160mm: Interfloor flooring : 220mm round hollow core slabs; Internal walls of the apartment and storage room: interior partitions made of gas blocks, 100 mm thick, without plaster; Floor: cement-sand screed; Windows: metal-plastic frames EURO 70 (70mm) WDS double-glazed windows; Entrance doors of the apartment and storage room: metal with two locks, anti-vandal; Water supply / drainage: centralized, apartment meters for cold and hot water are installed in communal cabinets on the floor. Domestic sewage is provided from the kitchen and bathrooms with polypropylene socket pipes for internal sewage; Electricity supply: there are floor panels connected to the apartment in electrical niches on the floor. The panel has a circuit breaker, a meter and a load breaker for the apartment. The apartment has one power line from the floor panel to the input circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is 50A. Heating: horizontal with apartment wiring with cross-linked polyethylene pipes, heating devices are panel steel radiators with a lower connection of the coolant. The heat metering unit is installed in the communication cabinet on the floor.